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Ghostlore’s Second Birthday!

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Two Ghost Cupcakes

Happy Halloween to all my spooky tabletop gamers! It’s the best time of year… a chill in the air, spirits on the wind, and a birthday for Ghostlore Studios! I can’t believe it has been two years since we went live. 2022 was a tough year with some setbacks, but we’re still here! Check out some of our second year’s best highlights!

Blog Series: Top Eight Reasons To Play…

This twelve part blog series dives into every D&D class and highlights the best reasons to play each! It’s a nice resource for when you’re unsure of your next character’s class. And additionally, it’s just quick and fun read to pass the time.

#MiniatureMonday On Instagram

In addition to playing tabletop role playing games, I also have a pretty serious miniature collection and painting addiction. This year I started posting my finished minis and progress shots on Ghostlore’s Instagram and was overwhelmed by the support and interest! The miniature painting community on Instagram has been very fun to dive into.

How To” Articles

I love a good “How To” article. On my journey as a dungeon master and a TTRPG player, I’ve collected a couple of little nuggets of wisdom that I’m more than happy to share. Some of my favorite articles I’ve published this year are: How To Craft Dynamic D&D Combat Encounters, How To Actually Finish Your One Shot In A Single Session, and How To Include A Newspaper In Your D&D Campaign.

A Focus On Self Care

I took a lot of breaks this year. Sometimes your mental health is more important than progress, you know? It gave me a little insight into just how much it really matters. Here are some of my thoughts on self care in the TTRPG space: The Importance Of Taking Breaks As A TTRPG Creator and Self Care Tips For Dungeon Masters

What’s Next?

Life has a way of slowing down progress on side hustles. But I have a lot of fun stuff planned for next year! I’ve currently got a 20th level D&D one shot adventure in the works, I’m writing some system agnostic TTRPG supplements that you can plug into existing campaigns, more informative tabletop blog articles are on my to-do list, and of course I’ll be painting as many miniatures as possible. Who knows… my first Kickstarter may even be looming in the distance!

As ever, stay creepy and happy gaming!


Dan is a creator, game enthusiast, former goth, designer, nerd, blogger, and meme historian. He has always loved creating experiences through art, writing, design, and collaborative storytelling. His career is in the creative industry, specifically focusing on graphic design, marketing, and user experience.

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